Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Will my child need to bring a packed lunch?
Yes, children will need to bring enough food for lunch and a snack. Every child should also have a water bottle with them.
What clothing should my child wear?
It is recommended that your child is wearing suitable clothing for the weather and bring sun protection (sun cream, hat) with them. Children will be doing a range of activities so comfortable clothing is advised.
What activities will you do each day?
We will provide a range of activities from sport based (football, cricket, dodgeball) to quieter activities (arts and crafts, cooking, board games). We will also utilise our farm space and allow the children to spend time with the animals.
Can you administer medication?
Yes, our team leaders are all experienced members of staff at Weatherfield Academy and can all administer medication. A medical form must be completed at the time of booking and completed in full.